Sustainable Development Management Institute (SDMI)


Sustainability and networking as means of Asian youth empowerment and inclusion Name Country 5 608355-EPP-1-2019-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA

The project contributes to the professional development of YOUTH OPERATORS working in the partners’ countries, by establishing a 15-month transnational cooperation among 4 Asian and 3 European organizations with different background and expertise.

The aim of the cooperation is increasing Asian youth operators’ability to organize sustainable local networks able to foster youth participation in solving common challenges, at the community level.

The consortium will create specific learning materials aiming youth workers and their trainersand a methodological guideline NGOs can use to analyse their community, formulate a program aimed at creating a support system among local actors, SMEs and other public bodies, while fostering youth soft skills and ability to participate and ensure youth inclusion.

In order to provide those tools and support to youth operators and young people in Asian countries, the partners are going to:


OB1 Increase partners readiness to deal with common challenges, by sharing knowledge and collecting best practices and presenting them during the initial meeting in Vietnam.

OB2 Increase the professional skills of 12 Asian and EU Youth workers in networking, sustainability and territorial analysis, during a 1-week long training in Malaysia

OB3Increase the competences and abilities of youth workers after the training session, by involving them actively in the production of the new materials and, in particular, during the local activities organized to test the newly acquired skills of the operators.

OB4 Increase the usability of the SUSTAIN program during local piloting performed by the 4 Asian partners aimed at fine-tuning the proposed contents and techniques while ensuring youth activation at local level and empowerment and during 2 job shadowing activities organizes to foster both host and visiting partners.

OB5 Enlarge youth workers ability to empower and assist young people through a week-long workshop in Italy during which 28 participants also assess the whole cooperation and the results obtained.

OB6Consolidate a solid network among youth operators and organizations from Europe and Asian countries during the final meeting in Paris, that for a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and good practices will continue to cooperate anddevelop further joint initiatives.

Our overall objective of the collaboration is linked to the ET 2020 policy objective of “Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship – project participants will take part in the activities in the programme that address their personal development, focusing especially on building their self-confidence, improving attitude and behaviour, and enhancing basic skills such as communication, team working, etc.” with an impact both on operators and staff in the NGOs and organizations in Asia and EU and on the young people those operators will assist better in the future.