Sustainable Development Management Institute (SDMI)


INNO-TEC-LAB “Development of opportunities in the field of design for technical careers through innovation-laboratories” is a Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (Key Action 2).

The project aims to create and validate a model based on interdisciplinarity and student-centered learning to support innovation through a network of innovation laboratories that will serve to improve learning tools, knowledge exchange, training of learners and researchers.

INNO-TEC-LAB is aimed primarily at teachers, researchers, lecturers and staff of partner organizations and students of technical careers, as well as public authorities, policymakers and the business sector.

The project involves 7 entities from different fields (universities, non-profit associations specializing in education, training entities) from 6 different countries in Europe (Italy, Poland, France, Lithuania, Netherlands, and Finland.)

INNO-TEC-LAB with a duration of 24 months starting September 2020 is going to develop these intellectual outputs:

INNO-TEC-LAB learning module
Online “train the trainers”
INNO-TEC-LAB courses for students
Creation of a platform of innovation laboratories

2 multiplier events will be developed at the European level that will help the dissemination and extension of the project activities and the sustainability of the project after its completion. The project will be told through the website and on the social networks of the project and of the partners. Stay tuned and follow our social media channels.

INNO-TEC-LAB is a project by IED – Istituto Europeo di Design (IT), VSL Socialiniu inovaciju centras (LT), Media Dizjan (PL), European Digital Learning Network (IT), SDMI – Sustainable Development Management Institute (FR), Amsterdam University of Applied Science (NL) and Metropolia University of Applied Science (FL).

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